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SCSLEGC Tournament,
General Meeting & Lunch  Registrations

Weekly Golf Tournament Registration**

Members, please register using the new "Golf Genius" invitation sent directly to your email weekly. 


** Text or call Tournament Director Chris Devlin (313) 402-8152 or send email to with any questions or if you are not receiving the Golf Genius emails.

Tee Times


November - February:                         Check-in 7:30; Tee time 8:00
March:                                                 Check-in 7:00; Tee time 7:30 

April, May, June, July, August

and September:                                   Check-in 6:30; Tee time 7:00

October:                                               Check-in 7:00; Tee time 7:30

Monthly Luncheon/General Business Meetings

Please register for the monthly meetings by responding through the "Golf Genius" meeting invitation sent directly to your email. 
Meeting Schedule:

General Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month after golf at

Desert Vista Community Center Rooms 1&2.

Check-in begins at 11:00

There are no General Meetings in July and August and December.

To see the dates for all golf and General Meetings click on the golf ball 


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